whimsycupcakes.blogspot.com - sisters Jen Funk & Kalani Watson
threefreckles.blogspot.com - Amberlee Whitmeyer
http://oopsredone.blogspot.com - Melanie Greaves
Happychippyjunk.blogspot.com -Heather Robinson
www.brittneyhalephoto.blogspot.com -Brittney Hale
http://bobandshiloh.blogspot.com/- Shiloh Murray
http://www.blogntell.blogspot.com/ - Christa Wagstaff
www.justabedofroses.blogspot.com - Brenda Klomp
www.rachelpphotography.blogspot.com- Rachel Penrod
Sassystyleredesign.blogspot.com - Tausha Hoyt
www.sayanythingexpressions.com - Shelly Neilson
http://onewidowsmight.blogspot.com/ - Jen Funk
Thanks to everyone who responded to the email. We are excited to get to you know you better before the Swap.
{there still is time for the rest of you "Swap" girls to give us your link so we can send other Swap friends your way.
just email it to 4cultivate@gmail.com
& we'll post your blog for you